
DEMO 2009 - Self Released

(Photo coming soon)

Total First Press: 100
- 25 : alternate cover/insert.
- 51 : yellow covers w/ red stamp, white inserts.
- 24 : yellow covers w/ red (maybe green) stamp, white inserts.
("wyld punx" stamped on the inside, hand numbered)

Total Second Press: 50
- 50 with yellow covers w/ red stamp, red inserts.

This demo came together pretty easily. Aram had just done the GBNF demo tapes and hooked us up with a cool place to get them made. 100 tapes, cases, custom length, and printing for less than $100. Not a bad deal. I slacked on getting the real covers done up in time for a show we were playing with Rotting Out, so there are 25 of the first run with a different cover/insert. They looked alright, but not what I really wanted overall. Knowing that these 25 exist, drives Jim Berres crazy. Anyway, the real covers were on yellow paper with a red "circle/slash" stamp on the cover. Now this first run of 100 had some random stamps on the inside cover and possibly some green stamps on the front. I honestly wasn't paying much attention and clearly don't remember now. I do know there are 24 with "WYLD PUNX" stamped on the inside cover and hand numbered. Kind of wish I had one of these for myself, but what can you do. The inserts were on white paper (I think?). Either way, I look cross-eyed, Adam looks like a woman, Andrew looks like the kid from Two and a Half Men, and Alan looks hard, go figure. For the 2nd run of demos, the only thing we did different was make the inserts red. I learned from my mistake with the first batch. If you plan on making something limited, there should be a set number, and they should be uniform. C'est la Vie.

Adam wasn't into the idea of doing cassette demos, he wanted to do CD's. Can you believe that? Who does CD's in 2009? Seriously. Anyway, we compromised and made the demo available for download to appease those people who live in the dark ages and still download all their music.


MOVING ON 7" - Lifeline Records (US)
Total First Press: 620
100 - White
500 - Clear Red
20 - Test Press

Total Second Press: 500
500 - Clear

MOVING ON 7" - Salad Days Records (Europe)
Total First Press: ???
??? - Black
??? - Yellow
??? - Blue
??? - Blue Transition
??? - Yellow Transition
??? - Friends Press
??? - "Test" Press

OUR CHOICES 7" - React! Records
Total First Press: 1,000
110 - Green (60 w/ Record Release covers)
200 - White
300 - Yellow
400 - Black
21 - Transitions (w/ black NOT SORRY stamp on the dust sleeve)
24 - Test Press

UPDATED  06/13/11 

1 comment:

  1. MOVING ON (Salad Days)
    Black - 300
    Blue - 96
    Yellow - 78
